Rookie, Revisted

Since curating this old-new collection of yearbooks, I’ve been thinking about where Rookie fits into 2024 teenage girlhood. Is there an equivalent to Rookie Mag that offers impartial advice and a platform for conversations between young girls?

Unlearning and Relearning: Reading and Writing, Again

In the past few years, I’ve been finding my way back to reading that excites and inspires me. Part of the process has been unlearning what I’ve been taught for so many years, and relearning ways that are more playful, open, and spontaneous. I don’t read only to “interpret” or “uncover,” but to simply experience. 


Past Announcements

Book Reviews

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Final Girl Theory

Perhaps next time you sit down at a theater, buttered popcorn in hand and blood-red Icee melting in the cup holder, you’ll be equipped with some basic knowledge of a final girl film’s recipe.

More Readings

What’s up with Cannibalism?

“Mom,” she called to her own mother. “Something’s wrong.”And then the cat ate her kitten. And then ate the other kittens too.


His Scaly Self

Gradually, he grew accustomed to his alternate form, to the point that he could forget about it for hours at a time.

More Stories

The Pestilence

It protests that it would never, and that two can travel, and hunt, more safely than one. This is again the truth, and the man is the sturdiest person it has seen in some time, which is good for protection and, if protection fails, for food.

The Churchyard Ritual

I saw it as a kindness, a gentle practice. I was wrong.

I Hate the Couple in Apartment C

I hate the couple in Apartment C. They throw parties on weeknights and watch the same movies with surround sound.


I am losing the pregnancy when the kittens arrive.


Drowning is silent. It’s just the grief that makes any noise.


He sat in front of me, between my legs, leaned back onto my chest; I had to labor my breaths. “I feel so comfortable,” he said.

Salem Runs

Last semester, I almost got mugged. Or I think I almost did.


More Interviews

Personal Essays

More Readings


By the year 2020, years of therapy had helped me accept a blistering status quo: the likelihood that my mom’s health may never improve.

Los Globos

I had always thought that words can do anything. Explain and convey every feeling. If there was no word to describe it, it was because you could not find the right one. It was on you, not on the words. It has only been recently that I realized that words…

Talk to Me

The power of interviews is structural: an interview inherently forces you to listen and ask first, before saying anything else.


Berkeley Fiction Review
c/o ASUC Student Union FMO
432 Eshleman, MC 4500
Berkeley, CA 94720



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